Prospective Graduate Students
Prospective Ph.D. Students
Are you accepting a PhD student to start in the Fall 2025-2026 academic year?
Thank you for your interests! Yes, Dr. Kang will be reviewing applications for the Clinical Psychology PhD program for the 2025-2026 cycle, with the hope of accepting at least one PhD student. For more information on the Clinical Psychology PhD program, please refer to Montclair State University’s Clinical Psychology Department website.
What current and future studies can graduate students be involved in?
Please see the About section for more information on goals of our research lab. In our lab, PhD students work closely with Dr. Kang in all aspects of research process, as well as developing and executing independent projects to build their own research program.
What are you looking for in a graduate student?
Each application will be reviewed in its entirety, and it is helpful to demonstrate why you are interested in research of our lab. As a graduate student in our lab, it will be important to have general research interests that overlap with the current goals of our research. At the same time, our lab is a perfect place to develop and build your own research program and Dr. Kang will do her best to support your own areas of interest. Please share with us how your distinct experiences have shaped your own trajectory! We look forward to hearing from you!
Prospective Master’s Students
Do you allow Master’s students to be involved in your research?
All students are encouraged to seek out research opportunities during their time in the MA Program and our lab is committed to providing research opportunities that relate to, and can help further develop, our MA students’ interests in clinical psychology. If you are interested in joining our lab, please contact erinkanglab@montclair.edu after you have been accepted to the program, and share your research interests and goals with us.
Click here for more information on Montclair State University’s MA in Clinical Psychology Program.
Who is a good fit for the Autism and Neurodevelopment Lab?
Masters students who have an interest in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), neuroscience, or interventions research, among other topics, would be a good fit for the Autism and Neurodevelopment Lab. Research experience is important for gaining admission into doctoral programs, and so students in our MA programs with this aspiration are especially encouraged to apply to join! We generally ask our Master’s-level volunteers to commit to working in the lab for 6-9 hours each week so that everyone benefits from the experience. As capacity allows, we may consider supporting Master’s students in a research externship capacity for programs with this requirement.
How do I apply?
If you are interested in our research and/or interested in working with children and families, please fill out our Interest Form and send a copy of your unofficial transcript to erinkanglab@montclair.edu to get started. We will review all applications and extend interview offers via email.
Note: We are not currently considering RA applications. Please check back in the future!